Friday, August 17, 2012

10 Tips for a Fabulous Work Day

So I'm sure Monday would be a more appropriate day to post these 10 tips for a fabulous work day, but I just found them! Here is an article from Yahoo that has some great pointers on how to get more enjoyment out of your work. So if you're feeling a slump, or are already staring at the clock today, check 'em out and see if any can brighten up your schedule :).

1. Start with 15 minutes of positive input. Start your day by either reading, listening to or thinking of positivity. It's easier to maintain a positive attitude throughout the day if you have these thoughts to refer back to.

2. Tie your work to your life's goals. Remember there is always a deeper reason that you go to work every day. Whether it's supporting your family, changing the world or just helping your customers; stay in tune with the bigger reason why you're there and that today is the day to accomplish more of your goals.

3. Use your commute wisely. Don't just listen to the news or think about stuff that's stressing you out. This is your time! Put on your favorite music and get yourself excited for the day.

4. Stick a smile on your face. Research shows that even forced smiles genuinely reduce stress and make you happier.

5. Express a positive mood. If someone asks how you're doing, instead of just answering blandly, say something like "Fantastic!" or "I'm having a wonderful day!"

6. Do what's important first. Manage your time so that you do the most important tasks first thing in the day. They say 20 percent of your time produces 80 percent of your results.

7. Avoid negative people. Well if you follow steps one through six, you'll probably find that these people are avoiding you anyway.

8. Don't work long hours. Of course there are jobs where you simply must work long hours, but working too much can actually decrease productivity in your life and work.

9. Wind down and relax. When you're out of work, fill the rest of your evening with activities that are completely non-work related. Don't take your work home with you! Have some time and enjoy the relaxation.

10. End your day with 15 minutes of gratitude. Before you go to sleep, get out something to write on and jot down everything you were grateful for today. You'll sleep better and be more ready for tomorrow, plus it'll be nice to go back and read later!

11. Shop for a Hyundai. Just kidding! But if you wanna check 'em out, view our online inventory here. ;)

Now I know some of these may seem like a stretch, so try them for a day and see how you feel. I bet it'll be a good one. Now let's go get Friday!

Tips via Yahoo
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