Thursday, January 26, 2012

How sitting all day damages your body; and what to do about it

I just found this article from Lifehacker that refers to the damage that is done to our bodies from sitting around all day. Whether it's in an office or at home, sitting for prolonged amounts of time is really, really bad for your health. Besides the obvious weight gain and muscle tension - sitting all day every day for ten years can actually decrease your life span by seven whole years.

But don't fret quite yet - the Lifehacker article also poses solutions, such as getting up and taking a 5-10 minute walk throughout the day. They also suggest parking farther away in the parking lot, making sure you're getting at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator. The article also gives you the links to a few computer programs you can set up to give you reminders for when to stand up and walk around.

For a detailed description of how sitting can hurt your health - and how to prevent it from doing so, check out the full article on Lifehacker here.

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